October 16, 2020 • EPE Related News
Texas PublicUtility Commission OKs El Paso Electric power plant project over opposition
Texas PublicUtility Commission OKs El Paso Electric power plant project over opposition
The Texas Public Utility Commission on Friday unanimously approved El Paso Electric's plan to add a new, multimillion-dollar, natural gas-fired generating unit to the Newman power plant in far Northeast El Paso despite opposition from the city of El Paso and area environmentalists.
The three commissioners made their decision in less than a minute with no comments.
The utility plans to spend $163.8 million to add the new generator to its largest power plant. It's needed to retire three old, inefficient power generators and meet future electric demand, utility officials have said in filings with the PUC.
El Paso Electric CEO Kelly Tomblin said she’s pleased and not surprised by the PUC decision.
“We’ve gone through a lengthy (review) process and these are people that understand the power systems,” she said.
The fact the city continues to oppose the project could mean that she and other company officials might not have done a thorough job explaining to the mayor and the City Council how evident it is that the 60-year-old power generators need to be replaced, said Tomblin, who became CEO on Sept. 1. She met with the mayor and seven council members about the project.
City officials were not immediately available for comment Friday.
The utility's proposed project also needs approval from the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, which is expected to vote on the plan in November. El Paso Electric needs that approval because it also serves customers in the Las Cruces area.
The Las Cruces city government, the New Mexico attorney general and environmental groups in New Mexico also oppose the utility’s plan.
The city in filings with the PUC has been fighting for months against the utility's application to add the 228-megawatt generator. City officials argue that the utility should hold off on its plan until more is known about how the COVID-19 pandemic will affect its power needs. The El Paso City Council on Oct. 12 voted to reaffirm that opposition.
The city has argued that adding the new generator is a financial risk that would add to ratepayers' future bills in an uncertain environment. It wants El Paso Electric to extend the use of the old generators and buy more power from outside sources.
El Paso Electric officials have said in PUC filings that the city's proposal to delay the project makes no sense and "can only lead to a decrease in (electric system) reliability and an increase in costs to customers."
"We're not seeing any decrease" during the pandemic because most of the utility's customers are residential, Tomblin said. "We saw an increase of power needs last summer."
The company hopes to have the new generator in operation by May 2023.
A Texas administrative law judge, who conducted a one-day hearing in the PUC case in June, the PUC staff, the Texas Office of Public Utility Counsel, which represents Texas electric consumers, and the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission staff have recommended the utility's plan be approved.