New Mexico Interconnection Process for Facilities Greater Than 100kW and Up To 10MW
Information for New Mexico Customers
El Paso Electric’s interpretation and policy with respect to the controlling statute is to limit participation under net metering to DG customers installing renewable energy systems with expected output less than or equal to 120 percent of the customer’s annual consumption of electricity. This limit is applied regardless of whether the DG system is owned by the customer or by a third-party. Customers with systems that exceed this size limitation are not eligible to participate in net metering.
It’s important to note that EPE does not limit customers from installing a DG system that will produce over 120% of customer’s annual consumption. This is a requirement only if customer wants to be on Net Metering in NM. If customer wants to install a system larger than their usage, they can do that, but they will have to choose between one of the following metering options, as specified in Rate No. 16 - Purchased Power:
- Load Displacement or
- Separate Load Metering
Customers interconnecting a distributed generation system like rooftop solar are not eligible to participate in the Sign-Up New Mexico Program or Budget Billing Plan. Customers currently enrolled in the Sign-Up New Mexico Program or Budget Billing will be automatically removed.
Information for Solar Contractors
Please use the information below as a reference for the Distributed Generation (DG) Renewable Energy Interconnection application process and its requirements. If the system is built prior to gaining EPE approval, the customer risks paying for a system that does not meet EPE's interconnection requirements. Please verify the customer is no longer participating in one of the following programs prior to requesting an inspection:
- Sign-up New Mexico
- Budget Billing Plan
Note: Technical review approval of the one-line diagram is contingent upon wiring, inspections, and system installation. These must be in accordance to EPE's requirements book and must reflect the information provided in the one-line diagram.
Technical Requirements:
- Please review EPE’s Technical Requirements for Interconnection
- As of 9/4/2018, all installations must meet Neutral Requirements
- Please reference REC Meter Can Requirements
- Note: All Customers with an existing water heater meter must have it rewired. After the water heater has been rewired, please call our Customer Service number in NM at 575-526-5555 to request the water heater meter to be removed by El Paso Electric. Please do not request EPE's solar system field inspection before submitting a request to remove water heater meter to EPE.
- With each Application the customer shall include a simple one-line diagram and site diagram of no more than 10 megabytes in size of the proposed system with each signed original of the Application. One Line Diagram Requirements and Sample
- The one-line diagram shall identify all major equipment including the utility-accessible generation disconnect device and the EPE metering point.
- Please verify the delivered service phase matches the installed generation phase, i.e., single phase service = single phase inverter, 3-phase service = 3-phase inverter.
- All three-phase Y-connected systems require three-phase connected inverters.
- Agreement for Direct Deposit (optional) may be submitted.
Standard Interconnection Application
- Click here to submit your Standard Interconnection Application Electronically.
- User Guide
Expansion Interconnection Application
- Click here to submit your Expansion Interconnection Application Electronically.
- User Guide
Here is a high-level Interconnection Process to review before you get started
New Mexico Application fees vary based on System Size
100kW+ = $100.00 + $1 for each additional kW above 100kW
Expansion Application Fee = $100.00 + $1 for each additional kW above 100KW
Upon receiving design approval to proceed and obtaining all applicable building permits as required by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), the contractor can then install the equipment according to the specifications approved by El Paso Electric (EPE) and the AHJ.
After construction of the generation system has been completed and EPE has received final electrical inspection by the authority having jurisdiction, contractor must contact EPE at to request field inspection and meter installation. The purpose of the inspection is to verify that facility construction conforms to the representation presented in the Agreement and its attachments. Please do not energize your system until after EPE has performed its inspection and replaced the existing meter with a bi-directional meter.
After the interconnection facility has been approved by EPE, EPE will identify the location as an EPE Distributed Generation (DG) Interconnection site by means of a label on the meter box or adjacent to the meter box. Along with written authorization, EPE will return one of the fully executed Agreement originals to the customer.
As a DG net metering customer, with an approved Interconnection Application, you will have bi-directional and REC meters installed by EPE. Net consumption is charged at the applicable rate and net production is credited based on EPE’s Fuel & Purchase Power Cost Adjustments.
- NM Rate 16 - Purchased Power Service
- NM Rate 35 – Large System Renewable Energy Certificate Purchase
- New Mexico Public Regulation Commission 17NMAC9.568, Interconnection of Generating Facilities with a Rated Capacity Up To and Including 10 MW Connecting to a Utility System
- New Mexico Public Regulation Commission 17NMAC9.570, Governing Cogeneration and Small Power Production
- Standard Interconnection Application for Generating Facilities with Rated Capacities Greater Than 100kW and up to 10MW.
- Interconnection Agreement For Generating Facilities with Rated Capacity No Greater Than 10MW And Not Qualified for Simplified Interconnection.
- Form 35 - Notice of Self-Certification
- Renewable Energy Facility Ownership Status Form
If you have any questions or would like more information, please send an e-mail to or contact 915-872-4595.