
December 18, 2020 • EPE Related News

New Mexico regulators reject proposed $163.8 million El Paso Electric power plant project

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New Mexico regulators reject proposed $163.8 million El Paso Electric power plant project

The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission on Wednesday unanimously rejected El Paso Electric's controversial plan to spend $163.8 million to add a new, natural gas-fired generating unit to the Newman power plant in Northeast El Paso.

Russell Fisk, the commission's legal counsel, told the five commissioners that they had no choice but to reject the proposed project because it would not comply with a new law in New Mexico requiring El Paso Electric to supply 100% of its power to its New Mexico customers from carbon-free sources by 2045, which is before the generator's projected 40-year life span expires.

Elizabeth Hurst, a New Mexico hearing examiner who held a virtual, five-day hearing in July on the proposed project, also recommended the commission reject the project. However, the commission's staff had recommended approval.

The proposed project was approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas in October. But the utility also needed the New Mexico commission's approval to allow the proposed generator to be used to serve its customers in Southern New Mexico.

El Paso Electric officials have indicated they are considering going forward with the project without the New Mexico commission's approval, which would mean the generator could only be used for its El Paso-area customers, not those in the Las Cruces area. They want to have the new generator in operation in 2023.

The 228-megawatt generator would produce enough power to supply about 101,000 homes over a year.

Fisk, during the end of the commission's almost 50-minute virtual discussion of the project, said El Paso Electric officials already have decided to go forward with the project.

However, in a statement issued after the New Mexico commission's decision, El Paso Electric officials said they still are evaluating the next steps for the proposed project.

"It is our core mission to provide reliable service and we must meet that obligation with solutions that are cost-effective, efficient, and safe for all our customers," the statement read in part. "We will evaluate our next steps closely as we continue through the regulatory process in Texas."

Air permits for the project are pending with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, which has yet to decide if requests for a contested case hearing on the permits will be granted.

"While we are disappointed with the action taken today by the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, we commit to continue working with the Commission, Staff and other stakeholders to do what is in the best interest for our New Mexico customers," utility officials said in the company statement.

El Paso Electric officials have said the new generator is needed to retire three old, inefficient power generators, including two at the Newman plant, and to meet future electric demand.

They said in a New Mexico Public Regulation Commission filing that New Mexico customers would only pay for the years when Newman is providing power for those customers.

Stephen Fischmann, the commission chairman, said just before the commission voted  that El Paso Electric officials "vastly underestimated the cost to consumers of the proposal for this gas plant" and "they vastly overestimated the costs and limitations of (natural gas) alternatives, which has been aptly pointed out in the record by many of the intervenors" in the case.

"So, even on that basis, and the fact we don't have an urgent need to immediately replace those aged assets (old, electric generators), we can wait another year or two. It really makes sense to me to say, 'Hey guys, go back to the drawing board. Let's do some additional maintenance on these plants for another year or two; acknowledge we need to get them replaced in not too long, but, hey, let's do a proposal that comports with New Mexico law and then, really and truly dispassionately evaluate the costs of the alternatives.' "

El Paso, Las Cruces, the Texas Attorney General's Office, and a coalition of El Paso, New Mexico and national environmental groups are opposed to the Newman project.

The environmental groups recently sent a letter to El Paso City Council, asking it to change El Paso's franchise agreement with the utility so that it could make an approval of the Newman project contingent on El Paso Electric submitting a renewable generating study and council approving that study.

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