
November 13, 2020 • EPE Related News

Help available for El Paso business owners, residents to pay utilities

Help available for El Paso business owners, residents to pay utilities

KFOX at 5PM – 11.12.2020

CBS4 at 5AM – 11.13.2020

KFOX at 5AM – 11.13.2020

KFOX at 6AM – 11.13.2020

KFOX at 7AM – 11.13.2020

KFOX at 8AM – 11.13.2020

EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14) — Utility companies in El Paso are continuing service for customers who are unable to pay if they were impacted by COVID-19 hardships.

Despite the financial assistance available, customers are encouraged to continue paying their bills if they have the resources to do so or to set up a payment plan if they have fallen behind on payments.

“Some of our customers have fallen behind on their bills, and since we’ve stopped disconnections since back in March, we do have customers that have built up quite a balance,” Montoya said.

Despite no disconnections occurring at the moment, Montoya said customers with high balances would be contacted first once collections resume. There is no date set for when collections will begin again.

“We encourage you to call us and make a payment plan,” Montoya said.

El Paso Water also received about $500,000 in CARES Act funds, Montoya said. The money can also be used to help customers pay their water bill. Customers will have to apply first to receive the assistance.

Small businesses can also apply for relief.

“We have given a lot of funding, but I’m happy to say we do have about at least $100,000 left in funding, and that’s for residential and small businesses,” Montoya said.

Applicants may also contact El Paso Water at 915-263-4444.

The deadline to apply for financial relief with El Paso Water is Nov. 30.

Texas Gas Service is also keeping service on for customers.

“We’re very concerned about what we’re seeing, and we want to make sure we’re not creating any hardships or circumstances for our customers,” Christy Penders, spokeswoman for Texas Gas, said.

Texas Gas partnered with Amistad and Project Bravo to distribute CARES Act funds for those who are struggling to pay their gas bill, Penders said.

“We know you might be dealing with a hardship, and we understand that,” Penders said.

Customers can visit this website to see relief programs.

El Paso Electric released the following statement:

At this time, El Paso Electric is not disconnecting customers. El Paso Electric is continuing to evaluate state and local orders in regards to utility payment policies. We are asking customers to contact us to learn about the availability of financing assistance, flexible payment arrangements and other payment options. EPE is here to help. Call 1-800-351-1621 or email ~ Eddie Gutierrez, EPE Vice President of Customer and Community Engagement

On Oct. 12, a presentation to city council said the three utility companies were seeking to restart collections. However, due to the changing COVID-19 circumstances, the three utility companies said they are keeping services on in the El Paso area.

For the latest updates on COVID-19 in our area and around the world, head to our coronavirus section.

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