November 6, 2020 • Local News
Election results: Iliana Holguin wins the County Commissioner Precinct 3 race
Election results: Iliana Holguin wins the County Commissioner Precinct 3 race
Democrat Iliana Holguin and her family celebrated her win in the El Paso County Commissioners Court Precinct 3 race Tuesday night with some barbecue sent by her neighbors.
Holguin, a licensed Texas attorney and former executive director of Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, beat Randy French, who served almost 21 years in the U.S. Army as a military police.
Holguin drew 73% of the vote or 44,346 votes, while French received 27% percent of the vote or 16,729, according to unofficial election results.
"We are celebrating quietly here by ourselves," said Holguin, whose family includes husband Eddie Holguin, and daughters Abigail, 15, and Rebekah, 10.
"I'm very proud of our community as a whole. Everyone recognized what an important election this was. We had a local one, we had the national. I think it says a lot about our community that even in the middle of a pandemic, people realized how important it is to vote."
"We broke voting records in the middle of a pandemic. That is unprecedented for sure," she added.
Holguin, who says she will be a proactive watchdog of taxpayer dollars, will be the only woman on the five person Commissioners Court, led by County Judge Ricardo A. Samaniego.
She said it was hard to campaign during a pandemic but she still managed to walk every neighborhood of her precinct, often with her daughters in tow.

"I think that's something that's made a big difference in my race — I made it a point to visit every single neighborhood in the precinct throughout my campaign. I started walking back in September of last year. I had to stop once COVID came around in March. But from September to March, I actually walked the district twice."
Holguin jumped out to a commanding lead on Election Day after early voting results were released and cruised to victory over French, who collected nearly 17,000 votes.
French said he thought he ran a good campaign despite the difficulty of running during the pandemic, which was raging locally in the final days leading up to the Nov. 3 General Election.
"Being a no-name individual that COVID kept from going out and participating in all the events that were canceled; I think I did pretty good," French said Tuesday.
French said the only thing he would have done differently is to try to raise more money. His campaign didn't reach $4,000 in contributions.
Holguin said she has developed a good understanding of what residents need in her sprawling district.
"This particular district has a lot of infrastructure needs; everything from roads to flooding issues in Socorro to traffic congestion issues in the far East," she said. "You still have in Horizon some neighborhoods that don't have the basic necessities that we all take for granted — running water, gas.
"Another thing I heard regularly is that people didn't feel very connected to their county government."
Holguin said she plans to do more outreach and make sure she's accessible to her constituents.
"It's important that people feel that there's someone out there that is looking out for them," she said.
María Cortés González may be reached at 915-546-6150;; @EPTMaria on Twitter.