December 8, 2020 • EPE Related News
El Paso Electric gas plant expansion unnecessary
El Paso Electric gas plant expansion unnecessary
by Art Terrazas, a solar policy advocate and resident of Sunland Park
New Mexicans are no strangers to energy development. From the Four Corners to the Permian Basin, New Mexico’s tribal communities and Hispanic communities in particular have been hard hit by our quixotic quest for more polluting fossil fuels. As a result, over 130,000 New Mexicans live within a half mile threat radius of an oil and gas well, in addition to almost 100 schools that serve over 32,000 students. From missed school days from air pollution to threatened sacred sites like Chaco Canyon, we know the devastating impacts of the fossil fuel industry.
Yet our own electric utility here in Las Cruces is proposing to increase our dependence on these destructive fossil fuels by adding a new gas turbine at its generating station near the Texas/New Mexico border. The additional capacity would only operate for very short periods of time to help meet peak electricity demand, a service that solar energy with battery storage can provide more easily and at a lower cost. If approved, customers in both Texas and New Mexico would pay over $160 million for the plant expansion over its expected life.
Analysis from the group Vote Solar and other experts, using the company’s own data, clearly shows that the new turbines are not needed and that El Paso Electric failed to properly value and consider clean alternatives, and New Mexico’s climate laws.
Just recently, the hearing examiner in the case agreed, recommending that the Public Regulation Commission deny EPE’s application. The hearing examiner’s role is to review all the evidence and testimony in the application and applicable laws. She found that there is “no immediate need” for the plant expansion, that the application is “not in New Mexico citizens’ public Interest” and that EPE “failed to consider New Mexico law.” I agree.
Last year, New Mexico passed changes to the Renewable Energy Act, which set a goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045. Building new fossil fuel infrastructure with a 40-year lifespan would put us completely off track to meet that goal, and risks burdening EPE ratepayers with huge capital expenses for energy they won’t ever use. Thanks to the way electricity rates are set, if the commission approves this expansion and the plant has to close in 2045 Las Cruces families and businesses will be stuck with New Mexico’s share of the $160 million bill, not EPE.
The commission, charged with protecting ratepayers and the public interest, is already doing the right thing by considering the risks of stranded assets and the 100% renewable energy law in their decision making. In a huge victory for clean air and healthy communities, the commission voted to replace the San Juan coal plant with solar and storage earlier this year. Northwestern New Mexicans deserve clean air, and so do we.
With facts, precedent, the law and the people on its side, the commission has everything it needs to make the right decision and deny EPE’s application to expand the Newman Generation Station. I urge the commission to put people and planet first, and stop EPE’s gas plant expansion.