
December 4, 2020 • EPE Related News

City creates position to strengthen partnership with El Paso Electric: Elizabeth Triggs

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City creates position to strengthen partnership with El Paso Electric: Elizabeth Triggs

Elizabeth Triggs
Guest columnist

A healthy and reliable electric utility is without a doubt critical to the well-being and vibrancy of any growing community. For nearly 120 years, El Paso Electric (EPE) has filled that role for our region, providing electricity to over 436,000 customers in west Texas and southern New Mexico.

But EPE is more than just a utility service provider. It’s a local economic driver and partner in the welfare and continued growth of our city. As one of our largest private employers, EPE provides quality jobs to more than 1,100 area residents, the majority of whom live, work and thrive in El Paso.

EPE additionally generates an astonishing $44 million in annual revenue for our local taxing jurisdictions, representing a significant resource in the provision of public services to our community. With respect to corporate giving, EPE is responsible for $1.2 million in annual local charitable contributions while its workforce volunteers thousands of hours in support of local causes.

Clearly, EPE’s continued presence and investment in our community is paramount to our sustained growth and success. Last year, however, the utility’s future and its role as a community partner became uncertain with the announcement of its prospective acquisition by the New York-based Infrastructure Investments Fund (IIF).

In recognition of EPE’s importance to our community’s well-being, the City of El Paso, in its capacity as a local utility regulator and voice for our residents, worked tirelessly to secure commitments from EPE and its new ownership group that preserve and enhance the utility’s presence and investment in our community.

During those discussions, the City focused its efforts on securing commitments that: (1) provide short and long-term benefits to our community; (2) safeguard the quality jobs provided by the utility; (3) promote continued innovation toward renewable and solar energy; and (4) ensure the City receives fair compensation for the use of its streets and sidewalks in EPE’s delivery of utility service to its customers.

As a result of the City’s work on behalf of its residents, as well as EPE’s desire to continue its investment in our community, the utility and IIF have made the following commitments to our residents:

·       Local Workforce Retention. EPE will maintain the continuity of its workforce and will not relocate jobs outside of its service territory due to its new ownership structure.

·       Local Leadership. EPE will continue as an independently-operated, locally-led, regulated utility headquartered in El Paso for as long as it is owned by IIF.

·       Economic Development. In addition to the $120 million committed between 2030 and 2060, IIF will dedicate another $80 million over the next 15 years to promote economic development within EPE’s Texas service area.

·       Low Income Assistance. IIF will pledge $1,000,000 in support of enhancing EPE’s low-income assistance programs.

·       Renewable Energy. EPE will complete a renewable generation study and provide opportunity for City participation and discussion in progress toward identified goals.

·       Quality of Life. EPE and the City will coordinate in identifying utility-owned land that may be used for public recreation opportunities.

·       General Fund Payment. In addition to existing franchise fees paid by EPE, IIF will pay $7.5 million to the City’s general fund that the City intends to use to support its strategic plan initiatives.

·       Future Sale Safeguards: Any future changes in EPE ownership or control will require City Council approval, guaranteeing the residents of El Paso always have a seat at the table when the utility’s ownership or control is being considered.

With the successful closing of EPE’s acquisition and in anticipation of greater coordination between our organizations for the benefit of our community, we at the City have established the Strategic Partnerships Officer position. This role is intended to strengthen our invaluable partnership with EPE and grow collaborative opportunities with our other community partners, including the County, school districts, universities and hospitals. Together, it’s these key strategic partnerships that will support strong and lasting changes for our community, especially during this unprecedented time of crisis and importantly, during our road to recovery.

Elizabeth Triggs is strategic partnerships officer for the City of El Paso.

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