
Cheryl Mele

Cheryl Mele

Vice President, Customer and Employee Services

Cheryl Mele is the Vice President of Customer and Employee Services at El Paso Electric. She leads the teams focused on transforming our customer and employee engagement, including customer operations and technology, human resources, organizational development, and corporate communications where we are focused on building our brand and mission internally and externally. Cheryl joined El Paso Electric in 2021, her career in energy also includes Austin Energy where she was the Deputy General Manager and Chief Operating Officer and ERCOT where she was Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.

She currently is a member of the boards of The United Way of El Paso County, The Better Business Bureau Paso Del Norte, the Association of Women in Energy and TEPRI where she is the outgoing board chair.

Cheryl has a BS in mechanical engineering from Union College in Schenectady, New York, is a registered professional engineer, and completed the utility executive program at the University of Idaho.

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